Zuyder Sea lighthouse tour

for amateur radio operators

NET-179 Workum hoge licht (Workum rear high)

Town Workum
Location Workum southern dike
Position Lat (dms) 52°57’36” E
Position Long (dms) 5°24’43” E
QTH-locator JO22QX
Year built 1778
Material Stone
Height construction (m)  Approx. 9 m
Height light (m) Aproxx. 14 m
Range light (mi) -
Characterisic Deactivated 1932

Additional information:

Location (also locally known as It Toarntsje) has lights at least since 1623. Today's structure from 1778 is a replica of the 1708 structure. The light worked in conjunction with a low front light at the foot of southern pier head. Until 1880 the light was open fire. Both lights are replaced with modern line lights (Oc.W6s). National monument since 1981 (nr. 39453). The former fishing fleet of Workum can be recognized by WK as vessel registration.

Last updated: August 2020